Access to requisitioning is disabled by default and most users don’t need it. You only need to use requisitions if you’re manufacturing your own collection kits.

Requisitions let you use Spot’s infrastructure to handle logistics, compliance and results for kits built outside of Spot. Supply us with the sample’s barcode, the patient’s registration data, and tracking information, and we’ll provide you with tracking updates and results, as well as handling any logistical problems along the way.

We’ll send you updates via webhook when a requisition is updated. Alternatively, poll our API regularly for results.

Requisition lifecycle

Requisitions will always possess a created event and either an approved or denied event from the time of creation. If you don't supply tracking information, then the delivered and delivery_exception statuses will be skipped.

createdThe initial event marking the creation of the requisition.
approvedThe supplied patient has passed the exclusion check.
deniedThe supplied patient has failed the exclusion check. This could be due to details like the patient’s age, sex, or location
deliveredOnce the courier marks the sample as delivered to the lab, we mark the sample as delivered.
delivery_exceptionIf there’s an issue with shipping or the sample is lost in transit we mark the sample as having had a delivery exception.
receivedSome of our lab partners provide us an accession notification to let us know they’ve received the sample. If they do, we communicate this with the received event.
extra_quality_checksOccasionally we may need to perform extra checks after receiving a report from the lab. This status indicates there may be a short delay in results being available.
resultedThe lab has analyzed the sample and have released a report to us.
rejectedThe sample was not suitable for analysis. This is most commonly due to not enough blood being provided, too much time passing since the sample was collected, or user error during collection.